Build the Rebellion with us
Since Rebellion Protocol is a community driven project, there are multiple ways to get involved with the project and the community. You can join the project at any level, depending on your competencies and available time, there is a place for everyone within the project.
You involvement can be twofold on a social level and/or an investment level
Investment involvement & rewards
Social involvement & ranks
How to grow your Rank
Ranks are based on your activity on the group. The more you post, the more interesting content you post, the more your rank grows. Type !me in Telegram to know your rank and !toplvl to see the top 5 leaders. Ranks are reset every two months.
Rebel Hustler
Rebel Captain
Rebel Boss
Rebel Pimp
Rebel Don
Rebel Chad
Rebel Major
Rebel Commander
Rebel Legend
💎Top participants are rewarded every two month as follow:
Top 5 rank leaders: Get $50 REBL each
Last updated